Sunday, May 22, 2011

I can make things, Part Deux

Today I finally broke in my new-to-me wheel! Ever since I got it I had been afraid to touch it. After all with the encouraging and knowledgeable environment of yarn school I felt unworthy of working on a wheel all by my lonesome!!
So Jaime came over and told me to get to it and I did! I even made some (not as bad as my first yarn) yarn!! I filled one bobbin with bulky handspun and I was going after my second bobbin when my rubber band broke! Boo!! So I will hunt the perfect rubber band tomorrow and get back to it! I'm not scared!!
So while I was waiting for Jaime to come over today I started sewing a skirt...I don't know why...other than the fact that I had everything in my house to make a I guess I might as well! Hopefully I can finish it this week. The pattern claimed it could be done in a day. At the end of this day I can say that was a lie. But maybe it can be done in a week!!
Daryl is still not feeling 100%. The doctor said it could take a month to shake his bug. I do have a funny story.
Tuesday night he puked at about 3 in the morning all over his bed. This was about the third time that had happened so Kelly and I didn't even need to talk to each other, he strips the bed and I strip the kid and throw him in the tub.
Once Daryl had all his clothes off he started laughing! I asked him what was so funny!!
He said, "I bomited in my bed, giggle giggle, I bomited in the car, giggle giggle, and I bomited on the couch!"
I said, "Yes you did! Will you please start telling mommy when you are about to bomit!!"
He just giggled!

1 comment:

  1. Daryl is just a cutie! Hope he is 100% better soon.
    Good luck on the skirt.
    Planning a visit in June. How does your schedule look for the first 2 weekends??
    Love you guys--
