Tuesday, April 5, 2011

San Frantastic!

Kel and I got home from a vacation to San Fransisco yesterday! We had a lot of fun, ate a lot of good food, and SLEPT IN!!!
Daryl stayed in Kansas with Aunt Barb and Grandma Meerpohl. He went the longest he has ever gone without us and I'm proud of my big boy! He talked to us on the phone a little and all the reports we received in CA was that he was being a good boy. We are so thankful to our family for making a few days away from Daryl possible!!
There are so many good stories that they will probably be a whole week worth of blogs, but first I thought I would show you why we didn't take Daryl.
Yup, you guessed it. They had Coyote Warnings in San Fran. So what responsible parents would take their child across the country to get eaten by a coyote? It wasn't like we wanted to leave him, it was a matter of his safety!!
The second phenomena that Kelly and I couldn't understand was how everyone in the city is so thin? We will be pondering that for awhile because we had some of the BEST food we have ever tasted while staying in the city. Including but not limited to the best crab I've ever had, the best breakfast eggs, the best burrito, the best fried rice and the best chocolate chip coconut muffins!! So seriously you would have to roll us out of the state if we stayed there very long!!

Many more Frantastic stories to come but to end this blog I have to post the best picture of cousins that I have ever taken. And yes mom a copy for you and Grandma Linda will be in the mail!! Aren't they cute!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that your trip was so much fun! I bet Daryl was glad to see you. Thanks in advance for the picture. I have a place ready for it at the office!
    Love you guys!
