Saturday, April 23, 2011

Love and Serve

As we parked the truck in the drive not long ago I took a minute to think about how great today was. I had such a full day and it was so great.

I helped at the church this morning with an Easter egg hunt. And there is nothing better than starting your day with some volunteer work. It sets the tone for the rest of the day to remember to serve others. The kids had a great time and the staff at Countryside always puts on the best events!

Then I came home and cooked and baked. I made my deviled eggs and ham for tomorrow. Also baked brownies for dinner with friends this evening. Everything turned out great! I even made the brownies from scratch and I usually buy box brownies. They were better!!

Went over to Ben and Jaime's for some delicious mustard marinated pheasant and it was AWESOME. Kelly and I will definitely be buying some of that mustard at Saturday's farmers market next week. We are already drooling about what all we can do with it. YES!!!

Daryl was also being such a good boy today. He helped Kelly take two loads to the dump. The yard looks great, the house looks great, I'm kicking my head cold! Life is Good! Happy Easter tomorrow everyone, remember we are here to serve and love!! That is All!!

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