Monday, April 18, 2011

From My House with Love

I am home!!! Yay!!! I had a wonderful time with Ms. Becca and Mr. Sawyer. They were the best hosts and made the best food ever!! OK so Sawyer didn't cook much but he can't really control his arms yet. :)

Highlights of my trip:

1.) Seeing my friends that I love

2.) Breathing the Oregon Air

3.) Wu's Kung Pao Chicken!!

4.) Cheri and Paul's new couches!!

5.) Being called fat by a super famous male model!! :)

6.) Columbia Outlet, need I type more!

7.) Consignment kids clothes sale

8.) Taking Sawyer for his FIRST stroller ride

9.) Crock pot food!!

10.) Watching girl movies with my BFF while her super nice husband patiently let us!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a perfect trip. Sawyer is so cute, Becca is beautiful, and Nick must be so patient.
    Thanks for sharing
