Thursday, March 17, 2011

Where has the time gone!!

I'm late with a new blog! But I have a few explanations:
1.) I started Walk Kansas recently and I've been using all my waking hours to walk/run or eat vegetables!!! This is mostly true and you can ask Kelly for those of you who don't believe I would eat a vegetable. :)

2.) The time changed on me. I hate to whine about it but I'm going to. I love the later sunset but I hate losing an hour of sleep. I would have rather gave my pinkie toe than an hour of my sleep. But I guess I could have only done that twice.

3.) My house is abnormally clean. Really, I've been cleaning, its weird. Maybe its the time change or the extra fiber, I have no idea.

4.)Since it got warm the only place Daryl has wanted to be is outside. We go to the park, we go to the library, we just pick up sticks. As long as its outside he is happy. (my computer is inside).

5.) FINALLY, Its March "freaking" 17th!! Really what happened to February. I feel totally betrayed by my Get Fuzzy page a day calendar. It is losing days faster than I can pick them up. Good thing its funny! :)

All the while this has been going on Daryl has been playing in Grandma and Grandpas old boxes. Kelly has started running and tries to outdo me every time out. PS besides the fact that he has longer legs I still run farther than him! Ha
And Daryl keep saying cute things like "I want own mine cookie" and "I watchin basketball" this last one is funny only because he says it while staring at a blank wall and no TV is on! Must be the March Madness!!!

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