Sunday, March 6, 2011

Are there Chicks in the House?

Why yes there is! Some of the classrooms that Ms. Brooke took eggs to hatched chicks. So Daryl got to Chick Sit this weekend. And he is being really good with them. Other than the one time he tried to high five one and smacked him in the head. It wasn't a hard smack and the chick is fine.

My surprise knit finally made it to its baby.

I made the classic Baby Surprise Jacket for my friends new son Sawyer. This knit is so cool because its knit flat with increases and decreases in rather odd places, then a little origami folding and voila you have a jacket.

The yarn is called sticks and stones and I automatically thought of this family because they love the outdoors so much. I hope little Sawyer loves it!

I've now refocused my attention to Kelly's 2010 2011Christmas sweater. I made a lot of progress today. I'm almost halfway done with the front and the back is already done. Then just two sleeves and some sewing and Kelly will finally have a hand knit sweater!


  1. That is such a cute picture of daryl with the chicks.
    Sawyers sweater is really cute.
    Good luck finishing Kellys sweater!!
    Love you guys
    Momma Korf

  2. Oh baby chicks! Kt and I would have come visit them if I had known!
