Monday, March 28, 2011

Real Quick

So Kelly has left the Manor for the day and night because he has a work conference. This story is the prime example of why its so important for him to be here.
Not because he does most of the cooking, I ate very well on leftovers thankyouverymuch. Nor is it because he kills the spiders, there are no spiders today.
Its mostly because Daryl likes it better when Kelly gives him his bath. But tonight I had to do. And since Daryl does love his bath he obliged and let me throw him in the tub.
After he plays for about twenty minutes and after I wash his hair, I start going after his other bits with the washcloth.
Now granted he did have a bubble bath but still...when I went to wash Daryls toes...ahem...they still had socks on them!!!
Hehe we both will need dad back ASAP. :)


  1. Oh! I am still laughing!!!!!
    Love you,

  2. This is so good! Keep on writing dear one! Love every post.
    Mike and I laughed so hard. Shame on Daryl for getting in
    the tub with his socks on, huh?

    Love you, Mom Meerpohl
