Monday, August 23, 2010

Its Official

My baby boy is two. He is so smart, so cute and so happy. We had a good year! Its hard for me not to get sentimental with the birthday post, after all he is the best thing I've ever done.

He had a great birthday surrounded by the family and friends that love him. He got a tractor from his grandpa and grandma Wasko, a bunch of Elmo's from his aunts and uncles, a huge Hershey bar from his aunt Sofia and much much more!

The toys were not half as fun as watching him be the center of attention. He is so silly when people are watching him, I don't think he will be a shy kid. Even at church he was giving kisses to all the ladies that were so happy to see him again so soon.
With my new job I look forward to being able to go to Hanston more and let Daryl experience small town life!

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