Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Scarf Round Two

So last winter I made my first winter scarf. That was a really big deal because I've started about four scarves and none ever made it to the end. Well I can only enjoy that one in the winter so I'm now working on a summer/spring scarf. I really hope I can see this one to the end because it has a little bit of a pattern to make it pretty but its not TV knitting because I have to count.

The counting can also get mixed up because of what I must drink if I am going to knit a scarf that will be FIVE feet long! People don't realize that about scarves but they go on forever when you are making them.

I think I have six inches so far, so cheers its going to be dedication to get this done!!

The new job is going really well. Everyone is so nice and so helpful with my new employee questions. They gave me a key and my k-state polo today so they must plan on keeping me. Yipee!!

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