Sunday, July 25, 2010


So today was the last day of the county fair. And saying I survived it is not being over dramatic! I had a lot of fun but it was also a lot of work. And the work is not over we still have a lot of office work to do next week to wrap everything up!
D only got to go for about an hour one day but he really liked the ducks and chickens and rabbits. He was not fond of the bigger animals as I think they were a little scary for him. He also liked the toy train that was on display. All good free fun!
I think I took this video on Wednesday the day D had three bananas! Why would a parent ever let their child eat so many? Well he had 1.5 in the morning and 1.5 after he got home from the sitter. We were giving them to him in halves but he just kept asking for more. And the way he was asking I dare ask who could have denied him! :-)

Other things going on really quick, the Browns are in town for a little topeka Vacay! They are going to go to the Zoo and the Pool and do some school shopping. They came in on the train so they were very excited about that.

I have got lots done on my lace scarf and I HAVE to start d's birthday sweater this week or I will be sunk. So if you see me remind me to stop putting that off! Have a great week everyone. July will be over before we know it!!!

1 comment:

  1. I love this video. He is such a cutie!!! And noone could deny him anything with that sweet smile and his please!!! What a great video to be able to show to other people.

    Love you all!!
