Sunday, July 25, 2010


So today was the last day of the county fair. And saying I survived it is not being over dramatic! I had a lot of fun but it was also a lot of work. And the work is not over we still have a lot of office work to do next week to wrap everything up!
D only got to go for about an hour one day but he really liked the ducks and chickens and rabbits. He was not fond of the bigger animals as I think they were a little scary for him. He also liked the toy train that was on display. All good free fun!
I think I took this video on Wednesday the day D had three bananas! Why would a parent ever let their child eat so many? Well he had 1.5 in the morning and 1.5 after he got home from the sitter. We were giving them to him in halves but he just kept asking for more. And the way he was asking I dare ask who could have denied him! :-)

Other things going on really quick, the Browns are in town for a little topeka Vacay! They are going to go to the Zoo and the Pool and do some school shopping. They came in on the train so they were very excited about that.

I have got lots done on my lace scarf and I HAVE to start d's birthday sweater this week or I will be sunk. So if you see me remind me to stop putting that off! Have a great week everyone. July will be over before we know it!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

One More Busy Week

I'm still waiting for that lull! Any day now life that would be great!!

This coming week I have the 4-H fair to survive and kelly has to rehearse and sing at our cousin's wedding. So we will still not see each other a lot. Booo

Maybe next week we can slow down a little and get some park time in again!

Daryl was playing around with kelly's suitcase and it was the cutest sight because it is as big as he is.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Scarf Round Two

So last winter I made my first winter scarf. That was a really big deal because I've started about four scarves and none ever made it to the end. Well I can only enjoy that one in the winter so I'm now working on a summer/spring scarf. I really hope I can see this one to the end because it has a little bit of a pattern to make it pretty but its not TV knitting because I have to count.

The counting can also get mixed up because of what I must drink if I am going to knit a scarf that will be FIVE feet long! People don't realize that about scarves but they go on forever when you are making them.

I think I have six inches so far, so cheers its going to be dedication to get this done!!

The new job is going really well. Everyone is so nice and so helpful with my new employee questions. They gave me a key and my k-state polo today so they must plan on keeping me. Yipee!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Ready for a Lull

It seems like these past two weeks our family has been going and going. We are ragged and tired but very content with our adventures!

We went to Hanston for the fourth and D got to hang out with all his cousins. Kelly and I got to go golfing and besides the 30MPH wind it was really fun.

D didn't like the fireworks so much. He had a hard time sleeping until July 6th!

This was my last week at TFI. I had so much fun working with the ladies in my department but the time had come for me to move on. I will be working with the local 4-H program now and I start on Monday. 4-H was one of my favorite things growing up and I just can't wait for that to be my job. Would have never imagined I could get paid for that! :)

Just got back from KC today celebrating Jay and Beth's wedding. It was so much fun and we went out on the plaza after the reception. I have never been on the plaza after dark and it was fancy and fun!

But back to reality in T town and I need to clean some house today before I start my new job tomorrow!!! I'm ready for a lazy weekend!!!!