Monday, March 1, 2010

March On, March On

The Manor had a fun weekend. On Saturday we cleaned the house, may not sound like fun but its sooooo nice to walk into a clean house. Then Sunday we got to see our cousin/nephew Dominic (and his parents :-)!!! It was a short visit but he was a total sweetie and let me cuddle and kiss him. We stood him up and at five months he's only about five inches shorter than Daryl!!

So it would be wise for Daryl to start being nice to him :)

I know some are waiting to hear about the fair isle hat. Well....lets just say I've never been so proud of myself and then struck down in mere moments. It was an emotional roller coaster that I never wish to ride again. And what does all this mean? It looked great on the needles but since cone heads do not actually exist it will fit no one! I knit the second color so tight even Daryl's head can't fit into the top part. Boooo! But I will not rip it out because I believe in keeping my first try on everything. I still have my first quilt I made and it helps me remember how far I've come. I look forward to starting another color work hat this week!

I am posting a picture of the felted bag I made for my swap. The first picture is before I washed it and then the finished version. I didn't snap a pic of the lining Glo helped me put in. Bummer. But it was great and only broke one of her needles!!
I loved the bag so much I want to make a KU version. Red bag with blue fun fur. But I have to wait to buy the wool. I'm back on my yarn diet for this month. Its going to be tough but I'm not buying a yard, no matter how cheap Paton's wool is right now :( I can do it!!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so sad about your fair isle hat! Your felted bag turned out great!
    See you soon,
    Love MOMMA
