Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Keeping Busy

D and I have spent the last two afternoons at the park! It has been great weather and when he gets tired of playing on the slide and swings he digs in the mud. He has been having a great time and he has also been sleeping well at night!

Last week I was conquering the housework but this week it has fought back. Its so hard to do dishes and laundry and dust when the weather is so nice out! We have had a great moth at the manor. I've got to see momma Korf a couple of times this month and that is a record for the last year I think. :-) D and I also spent time at Grandma and Poppa's in Holton while Grandma was on Spring Break. March has been filled with a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to April. Ok I have to get back to tackling this house. It will not defeat me!!

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