Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Thanks for Everything

I can't seem to find my camera. This should not come as a shock to most of you! I had some cute pictures of Daryl looking at his new potty but alas they will have to wait till later.
Daryl is not using his potty yet just checking it out. I'm waiting till all three of us can have some quality days ahead of us to start the potty training process. Should be fun!
The manor will be packing up and going north for Thanksgiving. Hopefully we will have a relaxing day of just being with family.
Then Momma Korf and Cadence will be coming for the weekend. I'm so excited to see both of them! We will have lots of play time and D time. I even bought some liver and onions for Momma Korf's favorite meal. Kel says he will find something else to eat! LOL
Happy Thanksgiving to all!! Lots of Love from the Manor!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Daryl likes his new winter hat that his mom made for him! He won't normally wear it with his PJs but he wanted to try it on as soon as it was done!

Not much new going on. Just trying to stay on top of household things as the holidays approach. Can't wait for some Turkey and time off next week!

I'm excited to put out our Christmas decorations and take a Christmas picture by the tree to send to everyone.

Have a great day!

Monday, November 16, 2009

First Snow

Daryl was awake to see the first flurries of Winter. He loves to look out his window and today was no different. I'm just glad for once I could find my camera in time! :)

I've ticked some of my to do projects off the list. As I type I've finished the curtains and the quilt top. I'm also very close to finishing two hats and a sweater that probably will need some adjustments.

But since I'm on such a roll with my projects I have neglected my blog and its readers. I'm sure you all want to know the same thing. What has D been up to!!!

D has several new tricks. He entertains himself now by turning circles until he falls down. He will occasionally woof like a dog and meow like a cat. But the most lasting impression of what he has been doing is probably him marking on the floor. He didn't mark with a crayon or a pen, he prefers a permanent Sharpie! Looks like we got a Picasso on our hands!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Not too long ago I had cleaned out all the knitting projects. Finished Kelly's slippers, Daryl's sweater, a neck warmer for my secret sister.
And yet again a bunch of Unfinished object (UFOs) have take over my knitting bag!! I have a hat for a birthday swap that just needs a flower, A toy caterpillar that is missing half of it's body, my incredibly small sweater, and a hat for a wee one. I don't know why starting things is so enchanting to me but I just can't help but cast projects on. But for some reason half way thru I loose interest. And then we get the situation we have now.
But it's not all b/c of knitting. I also start sewing projects and its really hard to finish them too. But this week I did knock out some curtains that I have had the fabric for three years, and I'm ready to knock out a quilt that also has passed the one year mark since I started it.
So for the rest of this week, NOTHING NEW!! And that is good motivation because I found a dress I want to make and I really want to cast on several new projects. Here is the list of things I need to clean up first.
1.) Kid Hat
2.) Half done caterpillar
3.) Lady Hat
4.) Quilt

OK So I'm going to go get started!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


D got to trick or treat on Saturday and had a lot of fun. He did really good not fussing with his costume. His cousins were also there and we had a Hippie and a Chick. What a great bunch of costumes. Since I had Saturday off of work I'm working every day this week. I'm glad to be close to half done! Yeah!!

And my sister in law is coming up this Sunday so I'm excited to see her baby bump and visit. I'm so glad D will have so many cousins close to his age.

I've got to get ready to go to work now. This couch sucks me in once I'm sitting on it!!!