Friday, October 9, 2009

It feels like October

It is cold and wet and definitely October. This picture is D's tribute to the fad of stuffing your pants in your boots! He decided to do it with his Jammy pants and his socks. He thinks he is a model!
Kel has been busy with work this past couple of weeks making appearances on the local news and attending bill signings at the Capitol building. He is rubbing elbows with the upper tier of the Weatherization elite! LOL

I have been swapping all the summer clothes with the winter clothes and continuing to try and declutter. This would be easier if "someone" would take the clutter from the garage to Goodwill. This "someone" might have a truck... :-)

D is walking around and enjoying his new found freedom. Although if he gets to going to fast he still falls. But that does not phase him and he is off again. He has been enjoying chocolate chip cookies this week and will forgive his mom for almost anything for a piece of cookies.

This morning I was having the epic struggle of trying to get D not to throw his food on the floor. I've heard Kel tell D "No" more than a dozen times with no big reaction from D. This morning I tell him "No" and he gets a sad lip, cries, and get this when Kelly enters the room and asks "What's the matter?" D points at me still crying!!! I am SOOO mean!!! :)

PS-A cookie fixed the whole ordeal!

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