Saturday, October 17, 2009

Birthdays and Babies!!

Last weekend we went to a birthday party for our nephew and he was very happy with the golf game we gave him. It was picked out by Kelly in the drive to make all Meerpohls golfers!!

Yesterday we finally got to meet baby Dominic D's newest cousin. I finished his Layette in the car on the way to seem him! Thank goodness it takes and hour to get there or I may have not had time to weave in all the ends.

Dominic was very quiet and content when we visited. He had just ate so he was all snuggly and sleepy. D had a great time playing with Dominic's toys and was not all the impressed that a new baby just lays there and does not play! In a year they will both be running around causing trouble I'm sure!

On Monday I join the working world again. I'm nervous and excited but about all READY to be back at work. My regular schedule will be Wednesday thru Saturday so I will get to stay home with D on Monday and Tuesday. I am SUPER excited about that and already planning all the fun stuff we can do on those days.

Now we are preparing for Halloween and D is going to be a spider! A Very Scary and Cute Spider!!

1 comment:

  1. Tell Jennie & Zack, that their son is really beautiful! Hope all are doing well.
    Make sure I get some pictures of my little spider boy!
    Harvest finally started! Worked tonight till 6:30 and am scheduled tomorrow as well.
    Good luck at WORK!!
    Love you all
