Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Party!

On Saturday Daryl had his Halloween party at his Daycare. He wore his scary spider costume and hung out with Hannah Montana, Dorthy from OZ, and Scooby Doo! He also made an egg carton pumpkin and had sandwiches and nachos. He had a good time and slept really good in the afternoon.

D is also getting around really well now that he will keep his shoes on! He had been walking all over the house and bringing us things from all different rooms. We have had to keep the doors around the house shut and put things up a little higher than D can reach.

Today was my first day at home now that I have started my four day work week schedule. D and I went to the store in the morning and in the afternoon went to the library. We had a blast. He even took two really good naps for me. I think this will work out well for our family. But we will see what Kelly thinks when he had Daryl solo on Saturday.

Have a great week everyone!

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