Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baseball and Sunburns

On Saturday the whole family went to Mr. Brandon's first birthday party. He did so good just diving into his cake. He had both hands in and was not stopping for anything! Daryl looked on with envy but all he got was frozen fruit.

Saturday evening Kelly and I went to Holton to visit with family and spend the night. We had a good time just visiting and laughing at stories till we had tears in our eyes. We got to see Meerpohl's from near and far!

Then Sunday we left baby D with Grandpa and Grandma Meerpohl and Uncle Zack and Aunt Jen. He has a great day eating sweet stuff and playing while mom and dad went to the Royals game. The whole knitting gang was their to see the Royals' glorious defeat. With Zack Greinke pitching and everything they still lost it in the ninth.

It was a nice sunny day and Kelly and I both got a little too much sun (him more than me :-)

It was a good weekend and our family can't wait to head to the West coast this weekend to see some more extended family!!

Monday, May 25, 2009

First Haircut!

This is Kelly filling in for Candi. She's knitting on a deadline (8 days and counting) and didn't have time to post tonight!

This Memorial Day weekend was relaxing, but we also found time to fit many things in. We walked around the Farmer's Market Saturday morning and found some yummy jalepeno bread and a gnome to watch over the orange garden. After I got the yard mowed, Daryl and I went to Gage Park while mommy knitted. Then cousin Caysen came over for the evening until his mom got back from the lake.

Sunday after church Daryl went to Caysen's house to play while mommy and daddy went golfing. What an experience. Candi just thinks I like to drive golf carts. We had a really fast cart and every time she drove I had to tell her to step on it! We decided to play a scramble, and we even got to use one of Candi's drives, on the hole that I had my best drive no less. We ended up shooting even par, so we're ready to take on the Meerpohl's from the north anytime they think they're up to it!

Today I helped Tony hang a little drywall first thing in the morning, then mommy met some ladies at the coffee shop for some knitting. Then came the biggest event of the weekend. Daryl's first haircut! He did so well that grandma was able to get everything cut except a little piece on the front right at the end. It looks so cute and he looks grown up and handsome. As his great-grandpa Greg would say, he'll have to carry his stick around with him to keep away all the girls.
Well, it's off to a short, but busy week. Only one week until we head for the Northwest. Mommy and daddy are looking forward to three straight short work weeks.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Summer Daze

This weekend we went to cousin Alan's graduation party. It was a lot of fun and it was fun to celebrate a graduation! D had a lot of fun being passed around and eating baked beans.

Then we spent some time at Grandpa's and Grandma's. It was so nice outside we sat outside and visited. I dropped off the pieces for my dress to Momma Meerpohl, I sure she will zip right thru it!

Kelly planted the Orange garden tonight while D and I supervised!! It looks great. I hope all of the flowers grow big and tall so you can see them from the street. Really I just hope that I don't kill them all! I'm going to try and water them every morning before I go to work. OK I have to go knit now. I'm knitting on a deadline!! :-)

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's Raining It's pouring

May is here and so far it is a wet one! We went to the grocery store tonight and Daryl got to be out in the sprinkles, he just laughed!

D has just been crawling around like crazy and has been pulling himself up. He really likes to stand on his changing table. Kelly and I laugh that we have a daredevil on our hands. He has also been saying mama! It just warms my heart.

Work has also been really busy this week. I have an event for the kids account tomorrow and I'm really anxious to see how many show up. I hope ALOT!

I have a lot of things to check off of my list this weekend. I need to get a special present cast on my needles and cut out a dress and clean clean clean!!!

Better start now!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers' Day

So it finally happened. Kelly and I went away for a whole weekend without D! It was hard I'm not going to lie but he did great :-)
He stayed with grandma and grandpa Meerpohl and had so much fun I don't think he even noticed we were gone. Little stinker!
Kelly and I headed west to help momma Korf redo her bathroom. Kelly worked really hard for two days and almost had it all finished up before I MADE him leave.
HAHA I needed to see my baby.
The only other thing I accomplished today was I finally finished the knitted bag I have been working on for the past month. I was knitting it for a swap (think pen pal you've never met) and I have to get it in the mail tomorrow.
I hope its new owner loves it!
Was so glad to see so many loved ones this weekend sisters, brothers, parents, an aunt and a grandma! Wish every weekend could be so full of family and fun.

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Face of Mischief

This week flew by! Sorry about the lack of updates!! For all of those who know about the Rugby game tomorrow the time has been adjusted to 2pm. So please come out and support the Women's Rugby!
This week we had two practices (in between the rain) and I think we are as ready as we will ever be! Also this week Kelly has been driving to a conference out of town all week for work so I'm glad that's done!

Kelly enjoyed his first week on the job and I think we are really lucky that he found it.

On Wednesday we went and hit golf balls. I am trying to be ready for my first big game against the Meerpohls from the North. I don't want to embarrass Kelly!

Daryl has just been content playing on the floor, rolling around in his chair, and getting into things! The picture I took today was while he was getting in my purse and pulling things out. I said "Daryl what are you doing?" And this is the look I got! Priceless!