Friday, July 22, 2022

2022 Fair Post #1

 It is the hottest week of the year, so it must be county fair time! Daryl had clothing judging last week and Alex had his Arts and Crafts judging yesterday. Alex really pulled through, he was sure two weeks ago he wouldn't finish his big diamond painting and in the final week he "kinda*" finished it and completed another small diamond painting! Way to go man! 

*When it looked like there was no hope on Alex finishing his diamond painting, grandma had the bid idea to crop it down to the part he had finished. It looked great that way and his hours of work on that part got judged. Win-Win! 

Daryl has Archery and Public Fashion Revue left, so we are about half way done. :-) We are going to make it! 

His Smaller diamond painting 

Daryl got a champion ribbon on his buymanship! 

Having his Grogu and Harry Potter Diamond 
Paintings judged 

He got 2 Blue Ribbons! Way to go Al! 

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