Friday, December 11, 2020

It's Been 12 years!

 I know people are busy, but I haven't gotten one card for my Blogaversary today. LOL! Meerpohl Manor had it's first post 12 years ago ( It is officially the longest relationship I've ever had.....LOL! 

I haven't had much to post about lately. The boys are on remote school, so they never leave the house. With it getting dark so soon, I don't want to leave either! We did do a thing over the past two days. We made gingerbread cookies. I realize this doesn't take the average joe two days but when the recipe needs you to chill the dough, you are just asking for me to forget about the project! 

Alex helped roll and cut out the cookies. We all frosted! It was a lot of fun and yes, they taste as good as they look. I'm the kinda mom that makes Christmas cookies with her kids, that's new! 

I hope you all are doing well out there, in so many ways, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! 

Here's to 12 more years of documenting this crazy family of mine! 

I think they turned out great! 

Daryl frosted one cookie, ate it
frosted another, ate get the picture!
Alex also made cupcakes this week, he would bake every day!

I did a self portrait of me yelling. It's my baking aura.

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