Sunday, December 20, 2020

A Christmasy Weekend

 It's been hard to pin point why Christmas has snuck up on me this year. But looking through old blogs I realized we are missing big things that put me in the spirit. The big one is school programs. I love seeing the kids at school with all their friends, dressed for the holiday. There is usually a work Christmas party and a few friends parties. So this weekend we elevated the Holiday Spirit! 

On Friday, we popped pop corn, made hot chocolate and headed out to Lake Shawnee for Winter Wonderland. It is always great and this year was no different. We took the long way home and looked at lights on the way back. 

Today, we broke into our gingerbread train kit. I was kinda expecting it to fail, but we followed the directions and it stood! The boys did a really good job and they ate it the minute after I took pictures. 

This week the first medical professionals in Topeka received the new Covid vaccine. I watched it happen on Facebook live and I let out a sigh of relief I didn't even know I was holding in. If we can get through Christmas and New Years hopefully we will all be back together for the 4th of July! What an independence day it will be! 

Meerpohl Express!

I made the engine :-) 

I think ours turned out better than the box!


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