Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Daryl's First Campaign

So, last week (or two weeks ago) Daryl did a thing. He ran for Student Council president of his grade school. I tried to talk him into another office, something more first election friendly. But no, he wants to be the president, of everything.

Only fourth and fifth graders get to run for Student Council offices. Each interested youth had to give their speech to a group of teachers at the school and then were notified if they got to run for office. Daryl was the only fourth grader that got to give his speech for president! I think there were four students vying for that position.

Daryl made a poster and changed his speech just a little bit. Parents were invited to watch all of the speeches and both Kelly and I were able to make it. That morning Daryl wanted to dress up and he did. He was the only youth who was wearing dress clothes. He looked very presidential!

He wasn't elected and his biggest fan (Alex) were pretty bummed. Alex's teacher even told me how upset he was that his brother didn't win. There is always next year and I think this will be the first of many campaigns for Mr. Daryl!

He did it all by himself! Great use for old school pictures. 

Giving his speech to the 4th and 5th graders. He ended it with "Go Mustangs!" 

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