Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Deck the Halls! (don't judge)

On Monday I did two things. First, I took down the Halloween decorations then I thought, "What the heck" so, I put up the Christmas tree!

If it took me till Nov. 19th to take down the Halloween decorations it's probably best to just put up the Christmas decorations now.

I always forget how much the boys love our Christmas decoration. When I brought the box from the basement their faces lit up and they insisted on hanging the ornaments. The next morning, when the lights were still on Alex said,"We have the prettiest tree mom!" Years ago we got our little tree because I didn't want to deal with a big tree, our new home might need a bigger tree next year! The proportions of tree to room are a little off....

Last night I took the boys to Papa Mike's so they are ready for Turkey day with the Meerpohls. Alex made a bee line for Papa's notepads because he wanted to draw pictures. Then this happened:
Me-Alex you are going to use all of Papa's notepads!
Alex-Papa I will give you $50 for all of your notepads.
Me-Where are you going to get $50 from?
Alex-I'll just go to Dillons and get money out of that money machine!

Hmmmmm need to teach that boy the ATM just doesn't give money to anyone.......

Wishing everyone a happy Turkey Day tomorrow! Even if you are eating in the presence of a Christmas tree....
Our ornaments have a year on each of them, Alex was telling us how old he was
according to the year on the ornaments! My favorite was when he was negative 2! 
Taller than the tree this year! 

I did make progress on Christmas Knit #1

Friday, November 16, 2018

Knitting Weather!

It has been Chilly  and Dark here since the time change. Cold and Dark means not a lot of active things are happening.

However, that is perfect kitting weather! I finished my hat last weekend. I love the pattern and the Malabrigo yarn is gorgeous! I would have never picked this pattern myself, but Karen knew it was perfect, and she was right. Maybe someday I'll knit the matching cowl. Maybe....

I've started my first of three Christmas knitting projects. So, I better get busy. I have a work trip this weekend so hopefully I can get some knitting done while I'm listening to sessions. I also have some flights later this month, so that will be good knitting time!!! 😎🌴

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Daryl's First Campaign

So, last week (or two weeks ago) Daryl did a thing. He ran for Student Council president of his grade school. I tried to talk him into another office, something more first election friendly. But no, he wants to be the president, of everything.

Only fourth and fifth graders get to run for Student Council offices. Each interested youth had to give their speech to a group of teachers at the school and then were notified if they got to run for office. Daryl was the only fourth grader that got to give his speech for president! I think there were four students vying for that position.

Daryl made a poster and changed his speech just a little bit. Parents were invited to watch all of the speeches and both Kelly and I were able to make it. That morning Daryl wanted to dress up and he did. He was the only youth who was wearing dress clothes. He looked very presidential!

He wasn't elected and his biggest fan (Alex) were pretty bummed. Alex's teacher even told me how upset he was that his brother didn't win. There is always next year and I think this will be the first of many campaigns for Mr. Daryl!

He did it all by himself! Great use for old school pictures. 

Giving his speech to the 4th and 5th graders. He ended it with "Go Mustangs!"