Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Back to Work

Holiday break is over, and the vacation fog is lifting. I am serious about fog, I thought Tuesday was Wednesday, and Daryl was 24 hours early for his Orthodontist appointment. Oops. Made it back today, and both boys went to the dentist. Alex got a great report and Daryl has two cavities. Poor guy. The dentist said he is not doing anything wrong, just has really deep groves in his teeth.

This break has been filled with Nerf gun wars, and catching up on chores around the house. I think they are ready to go back to school tomorrow, and I'm ready to get back to work. I'm tired of being the referee.

With the start of the New Year I'm trying to think about what I want to work on in 2018. I used to think that even number years were good luck, but since the dumpster fire that 2016 was I'm not so sure about that logic anymore! 😂

I really like goals to keep me focused, but I didn't do to good with my goals in 2017. I think I've settled on going back to my 4-Hs. (I'm aware I'm a 4-H nerd!)

Head- Read 10 books
Heart- Four trips to new places
Hands- Knit four projects from stash (Also give away some stash)
Health- Run or Gym 5x a week

Let's see how I do this year!
Purl laughing at my goals, I'll show her! 

I was productive last day of vacation, made a fleece blanket! 

Alex loves the dentist, he is their favorite patient! 

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