Friday, December 11, 2015

Happy Blogaversary!

It has been seven years since I started Meerpohl Manor with this post. A lot has changed including the boy in my first picture ever to the blog. He looks a little older and what do you know, I do too!

One thing hasn't changed I still get a lot of writing material from my little family and my crazy ideas. I'm happy to announce that Mega tree is still standing! We haven't had a good wind yet but hopefully it won't end up on our neighbor's car. 
Daryl had his first Christmas Concert yesterday, he did a really good job! He was so worried about his dance moves he forgot to sing some times, but he rocked his speaking part! With the help of Jolly Ranchers Alex did pretty good during the whole 30 minute performance! 

I didn't mention it in my first blog but today is also Kelly's birthday. I think he had a pretty good day today. I got him donuts after my morning run and the boys and I delivered him one with a candle in it. We sang to him and everything! He turned 37 today, so he only has 30 years that haven't been documented on the internet. I'm sure he is glad I took care of that. Maybe that was my present to him seven years ago, oversharing! 

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