Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Little Things

When we brought Alex home eleven months ago Daryl struggled with it a bit. We had probably waited about a year too long to have a second child but hind sight is 20/20. When we noticed that the sibling jealousy wasn't going away we took him to a child counselor. BEST IDEA EVER
He graduated from counseling this month. Ms. Erin taught him a lot of tools and trick that he can use to calm himself down and they have all helped.
One of those tricks was his puffy jar. It is just a mason jar that we filled with Pom Poms every time he was using his best behavior. We never took puffy's away and when he fills his jar he gets a treat. It takes him about a month to fill it so it is not a really big expense and it is a visible reminder to him to be polite and try to avoid tantrums.
He still has tantrums, he still gets time outs but he is also four and they are not as bad as they were 11 months ago.
This last time he filled his puffy jar he wanted to get a bicycle helmet! He is so funny sometimes! So we went to two stores to find the perfect helmet. He has a big head so a lot of the cartoon ones did not fit him. He didn't melt down and just picked the one he liked the best that fit. He wore it ALL WEEKEND. He even wore it in the house and in the car! Every time I asked him if he wanted to take it off he would tell me "No, I'm being safe!"

 Daryl is his own child and while some times he makes me want to scream, most of the time he is a goofy, loving, sweet sweet boy. Just this morning he told me I was his angel. I asked him why and he said "Because you help me breathe." Heart melted!

I was one toe away from finishing my pair o socks! So instead of finishing them I started a sweater. It is like my body is allergic to finishing things. It literally hurts to finish. But starting a new something feels soooooo good!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Loving Being at Home!

I'm finally  back from three weeks of camps and 4-Hness and I wasn't sure I would make it. I did, and so did all the kids! Amen for that.
The boys and I spent last weekend getting to know each other again, they are my little darlings but after being home for a grand total of one hour Daryl was already in time out! I wouldn't expect anything different from my little pistol.
Kelly was a trooper while I was gone. The AC went out the week I was away and he had a couple of hot days before it got fixed. He earned his father day lunch and day off!
We spent father's day in  Holton with family. There was a cookout and great company. The highlight for the kids was mower rides given by cousin Carson. Carson is such a good sport with all his little cousins, he was driving the mower around for almost an hour. They all just adore him because of it!

Still no sock or sleeve but I think they are both going to be done at the same time. This summer has left little time for yarn. That is the only bummer! PS-Alex will be one soon and that means I am behind on the birthday sweater. I have the yarn and pattern I just need to make it. This one might come down to the wire!

Wouldn't Daryl have been a cute girl!

 Daryl loves the carousel at Gage Park!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

First Trip to the Zoo

Grandma Rosie, Daryl and I took Alex to the zoo this weekend. Daryl had been wanting to go for a couple of weeks. So with Grandma Rosie in town we made a special day of it. Grandma even got the boys matching shirts. At first Alex was really into it, then we started to lose him. It was a breezy cool afternoon and he couldn't help himself and he took a nap half of the way through.

Mom and I got up early on Saturday and participated in the Run 4 Others in Lawrence. It was fun, I did the four mile run and mom did the 1.4 mile walk. I was so happy she wanted to do this with me! I finished under 40 minutes speeding up my pace to 9.60 minute miles. Slowly, but surely I'm getting there. 

Still no pair o' socks. Soon I hope!