Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas to Me!

Christmas is officially over! I think it went really well. I felt more prepared this year than in years past and I think a large part of that was I didn't make presents this year. I know that homemade gifts are one of a kind and really appreciated, but they sure add a lot of stress on the holidays!

The Mailman brought me a Christmas present the day we got back to Topeka from seeing family. It was two pounds of beautiful fiber just waiting to be spun into some great yarn! It is 100% wool and I got one pound of specialty dyed. This was a fun thing to order because you have no idea what color is coming, I was more than pleased with what I got!
My second pound was just some natural gray that I will probably try to dye with kool-aid. I've never done that before but I have a couple of friends who have that I can look to for advice. I just hope I don't turn the whole kitchen orange. Who am I kidding that wouldn't be that bad!

Lastly, here is a picture of Daryl and cousin Henry wrestling! They were so cute running and screaming after each other and playing "tackle"! Daryl had such a good time with Henry that he has been asking to see him every day now since. There are a lot of miles between them but I am going to have to get them together more often because they sure do play well together and have a lot of fun! What silly boys!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful  Christmas holiday. This season, as much as we try to prepare for it, is still bringing its own surprises. But santa did find our house and lets hope all the kids are as happy as Daryl was this morning!
See you all next year.

The only holiday knit was for Grandma Hazel!
The pattern is "A Very Warm  Hat" and the yarn
was some of my handspun!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Santa Craft Day!

Daryl went to his last craft making class of the year on Thursday.  This time he got to make a Santa list holder.  He'll be hanging his Santa list on it in 6 days!  Enjoy a few pics.  Looking forward to the coming holiday weekend and spending time with family!
No craft is complete without a cookie and milk break!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Check and Check

Daryl mailing the Christmas Cards!
1.) Get Up Tree2.) Wrap Presents
3.) Laundry
4.) Finish Birthday present #1
5.) Start Birthday present #2
6.) Start Addressing Christmas Cards7.) Give both Dogs a bath (and maybe Daryl too!)

I thought getting thru this much of my list was pretty good but it wasn't even half! I am still giving myself tonight to knit some and bathe the dogs!! Kelly helped a bunch with getting the Christmas decorations up! The Christmas cards are sent minus a few we still need to find an address for!
Our 2011 Tree!
All in all a pretty productive weekend. :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ugh, December you are sucking all my energy!!

I like December, I like Christmas and I even like snow! But I feel like I need to go into hibernation or something to find my energy and my mojo. I've fallen into a rut of going home (its pretty much dark) so I get into my jammies and don't do a darn thing besides listen to Daryl and his crazy stories.
I've had birthdays come and go for people I've wanted to knit for and the last time I touched needles was last Thursday! A week ago people!!!!
Birthday presents will be late this year but I'm not giving up yet. And as I've already stated Christmas knitting is just out of the question all together! Never fear the one thing I am actually doing decent at right now is Christmas shopping. I think I've counted and I have six gifts to get and then I am DONE!
Shhhhh (Not a single present is wrapped.) Double Shhhhhh (We haven't even put up our tree yet.)
OK so I have a grand plan to shake these winter blahs and finish some projects this weekend, and yes I am calling the laundry a project!!! :)
Here is my list to hold me accountable and I will post what got done on Monday! The goal is everything!
1.) Get Up Tree
2.) Wrap Presents
3.) Laundry
4.) Finish Birthday present #1
5.) Start Birthday present #2
6.) Start Addressing Christmas Cards
7.) Give both Dogs a bath (and maybe Daryl too!)
....I think that is enough!

Cute Daryl story
I picked Daryl up from Preschool some day last week and this is how it went down:
Daryl-"Guess what I did today."
Me-"What did you do today?"
Daryl- "I learned how to draw a circle and a trinapple!"
Me-"That is wonderful I love circles and trinapples!!"