Monday, August 1, 2011

Long Time No Blog

Sorry for the sudden disappearance but its been hot. Yup that's my excuse, its to hot to type. Not to unbearable to shop online, just to hot to make complete sentences!
This last week we didn't do much at the Manor but try and catch up around the house. I was busy knitting some gloves for Ms. Brooke for her ahem 25th birthday. Daryl and Ms. Addison also got to go on a date this weekend! Now if they would just talk to each other!

 Now I'm full speed on Daryl's sweater. So far I have the collar.....need to knit faster!
The biggest reason I needed to blog tonight was Daryl went number 2 in the potty!! He looked at me and said "I need to poop" so I raced him to the toilet and he did his business. He was SO PROUD!! I am too!
So my procrastinating may have turned out to Daryl potty training himself. But before we make that leap lets see if he does it again tomorrow! (Don't worry I didn't take any pictures!)

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