Saturday, August 20, 2011

Daryl's 3rd Birthday

Daryl had his party today at the Zoo! He was so excited he has been talking about it all week. And when we finally go there you couldn't make him walk. He was running from animal to animal with all of his cousins and friends.
It was also the baby Hippo's birthday so they share the same special day.
I want to thank everyone that came out, Daryl is a super lucky boy with a lot of people who love him.
He napped for two and a half hours when we got home and then he played with his cousin's on the slip and slide. After dinner we used our fire pit for the first time and roasted marshmallows. So much fun that Daryl picked out a new animal to sleep with, (this makes FIVE animals he shares the bed with), had Kelly read him one of his new books and was snoozing in no time. It was a great day!

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