Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Washing Yarn

Got to wash a lot of yarn that I spun. I put this part off for so long and I don't know why. Once you have the set up going its lots of fun!
First you need refreshments CHECK
 Next you need some yarn to wash CHECK
 Some really hot water to soak your yarn in followed by some really cold water to shock it. Repeat these steps a few times.
 Wring it out good! Because you are going to get your floor really wet if you don't!
 This is the best part! Whack it as hard as you can, this isn't just fun it also helps set the twist!
 Hang to dry!!
So  much fun!

Monday, August 29, 2011

I got a new camera!

So here are a bunch of pictures!!
Daryl and Dominic can't keep the tractor upright!

Daryl connects with the ball!

First sleeve is not done yet!

Daryl wants to wear snow boots.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Where is my helmet?

The day after D's party we headed up to Holton to visit papa since he could not make it to the party. Turns out he had one of Daryl's favorite gifts! A construction helmet or as D likes to call it "My bob the builder hat!"

My very own Bob the Builder!
I've been knitting on Kelly's sweater AGAIN! I actually finished the back and have started the first sleeve. Its a nice looking sleeve! I think Kelly is actually starting to realize I will finish this thing.
He has had his doubts from the very beginning. He doesn't dare question the fit, because after the better part of several years he will either feast or famine until the D*** thing fits!!!
Happy Wednesday!!
A sleeve...that's all.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Daryl's 3rd Birthday

Daryl had his party today at the Zoo! He was so excited he has been talking about it all week. And when we finally go there you couldn't make him walk. He was running from animal to animal with all of his cousins and friends.
It was also the baby Hippo's birthday so they share the same special day.
I want to thank everyone that came out, Daryl is a super lucky boy with a lot of people who love him.
He napped for two and a half hours when we got home and then he played with his cousin's on the slip and slide. After dinner we used our fire pit for the first time and roasted marshmallows. So much fun that Daryl picked out a new animal to sleep with, (this makes FIVE animals he shares the bed with), had Kelly read him one of his new books and was snoozing in no time. It was a great day!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Dance

Doing my happy dance! I got the sweater finished and actually had time to wash and block it! This is an improvement over last year because I finished D's sweater vest in time for pictures but no time for blocking.
Daryl took his pictures yesterday and he did great. We should get them late next week. After every picture D did say "I'm done!" But we did get him to take more.
Have a great week everyone!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Almost There

I am inches from finishing D's sweater! Yay!! Then I have to give it a little bath and let it dry before his pictures on Monday. Can't believe my little baby is going to be three, I remember bringing him home from the hospital and I'm trying to enjoy every moment.
This weekend everyone is home and we have no real plans. This is all a good thing because we have a lot of catching up to do on the house. Kelly is also lining up some home projects he wants to do next week as he is taking a staycation. If a new window gets put in the craft room that will be all it takes to make me happy! :)
Stay cool everyone!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Hot Tamale

Lil D is not feeling to well tonight. He has caught the proverbial bug. Boo. He has a little fever and hopefully he still has time to kick it this weekend.
Before all that happened we were all having a very productive day. I ran my first 10K in Manhattan (yay me!), Kelly was doing a work thing, and Daryl was hanging out with Grandma. But when he got up from his nap he was not feeling so well, but not so much he didn't stop playing with Carson.
So I stayed with the 'rents for awhile and had dinner, knitted and watched the Royals. But we came home and Daryl went straight to bed after some kids Motrin. I will hope for the best in the morning!
What I have of D's sweater so far.

Daryl riding Carson!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Long Time No Blog

Sorry for the sudden disappearance but its been hot. Yup that's my excuse, its to hot to type. Not to unbearable to shop online, just to hot to make complete sentences!
This last week we didn't do much at the Manor but try and catch up around the house. I was busy knitting some gloves for Ms. Brooke for her ahem 25th birthday. Daryl and Ms. Addison also got to go on a date this weekend! Now if they would just talk to each other!

 Now I'm full speed on Daryl's sweater. So far I have the collar.....need to knit faster!
The biggest reason I needed to blog tonight was Daryl went number 2 in the potty!! He looked at me and said "I need to poop" so I raced him to the toilet and he did his business. He was SO PROUD!! I am too!
So my procrastinating may have turned out to Daryl potty training himself. But before we make that leap lets see if he does it again tomorrow! (Don't worry I didn't take any pictures!)