Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Long awaited, long time coming, long weekend!

Meerpohl Manor had a lot of fun this past weekend while staying close to home.
But first a Daryl story. I was working in the office "kinda" watching Daryl when I hear, "This is for my eyes?" I turn around and before I can even ask "what" my son is holding an open sharpie marker!!
Luckily baby oil will take Sharpie marker off with hardly any scrubbing!
So back to our weekend...we spent Friday night in Holton celebrating
Grandpa Greg's 88th birthday. It was great to see family and this picture below is NOT twin brothers, its Grandpa with Uncle Steve. Daryl has three uncle Steve's so its a pretty good guess for him to say Uncle Steve to any of his uncles!
On Saturday we stayed in Holton for Glory Days. We say classic cars, a craft show, a very short parade and thanks to Grandma Glo we got to bounce in the bouncey thing! I just sat in the corner for fear I might take a toddler out!
Sunday we celebrated cousin Victor's high school graduation. Uncle Steve and Aunt
Carla throw a great party!!
Monday I knitted, spun, washed new yarn and had a great BBQ with the Gray Clan! Daryl always says he wants to go see Addison but really he just wants to see her toys!
Looking forward to posting some knitting and spinning progress next time!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I can make things, Part Deux

Today I finally broke in my new-to-me wheel! Ever since I got it I had been afraid to touch it. After all with the encouraging and knowledgeable environment of yarn school I felt unworthy of working on a wheel all by my lonesome!!
So Jaime came over and told me to get to it and I did! I even made some (not as bad as my first yarn) yarn!! I filled one bobbin with bulky handspun and I was going after my second bobbin when my rubber band broke! Boo!! So I will hunt the perfect rubber band tomorrow and get back to it! I'm not scared!!
So while I was waiting for Jaime to come over today I started sewing a skirt...I don't know why...other than the fact that I had everything in my house to make a skirt...so I guess I might as well! Hopefully I can finish it this week. The pattern claimed it could be done in a day. At the end of this day I can say that was a lie. But maybe it can be done in a week!!
Daryl is still not feeling 100%. The doctor said it could take a month to shake his bug. I do have a funny story.
Tuesday night he puked at about 3 in the morning all over his bed. This was about the third time that had happened so Kelly and I didn't even need to talk to each other, he strips the bed and I strip the kid and throw him in the tub.
Once Daryl had all his clothes off he started laughing! I asked him what was so funny!!
He said, "I bomited in my bed, giggle giggle, I bomited in the car, giggle giggle, and I bomited on the couch!"
I said, "Yes you did! Will you please start telling mommy when you are about to bomit!!"
He just giggled!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

As Promised

Here is my Whisper Cardigan. It is super great and easy knit, it just took me a long time because I knit so many things at once. Can't wait for it to warm up just a bit again so I can wear it ALL SUMMER.

Kelly is golfing today (much deserved) so Daryl and I are having mommy baby time. It's wonderful! I think we will make a trip to Goodwill. Need to clean out the garage.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers Day!!

I look mean when I run!!

Today was great. I ran my first 5K (under 30 minutes!), went to a royals game, ate some bomb BBQ and played outside with all my boys!
I don't know how all the stars aligned for such a great day but they did. I feel truly lucky for the family I was given and the friends I have chosen, my heart is soooo full!!
I also got some great knitting done, I'm pushing myself to show you all a shrug by the end of the week!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

2 or 12?

Here is a conversation we had with Daryl the other night.
Us-"Daryl we are going to Lowe's!"
Him-"I want to go to the mall!!"
Us-"ummmmm why?"
Him-"Because I want to!!!"
Us-"We are not going to the mall Daryl." (Laughing a bit)
Him-" Butttt I waaannnnttt toooooo!!"

How old is he? You decide!!
Here is the little Travolta dancing.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Can Make Stuff!

I went to Yarn School this weekend!!! Yay!!!

There are no words for how fabulous it was. The fiber, the sheep, the food and the friends all top notch! I would like to thank my hubby for letting me go and Jaime for making me register. I would also like to thank Nikol for having the vision to do something so awesome!!

PS Check out that yarn on the bottom of the post....yeah...I totallly made that!!