Monday, August 23, 2010

Its Official

My baby boy is two. He is so smart, so cute and so happy. We had a good year! Its hard for me not to get sentimental with the birthday post, after all he is the best thing I've ever done.

He had a great birthday surrounded by the family and friends that love him. He got a tractor from his grandpa and grandma Wasko, a bunch of Elmo's from his aunts and uncles, a huge Hershey bar from his aunt Sofia and much much more!

The toys were not half as fun as watching him be the center of attention. He is so silly when people are watching him, I don't think he will be a shy kid. Even at church he was giving kisses to all the ladies that were so happy to see him again so soon.
With my new job I look forward to being able to go to Hanston more and let Daryl experience small town life!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It Happens

When you party hard, you crash hard. Thanks grandma and grandpa Meerpohl and Aunt Barb Meerpohl for the birthday eve festivities!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

MMMM Peanut Butter

Daryl was in his high chair and I was enjoying some celery and peanut butter. Daryl said "bite bite", so I let him have some. He did not care at all for the celery but he could not get enough of the peanut butter. I finally just gave him a spoon full!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Almost Done!

Daryl's two year sweater is really close to the finish line. I still need to sew it up and knit around the arm holes and the neck hole.

That takes some time but I think it is doable by our Wednesday family picture. We picked Kelly out a shirt this weekend but I still haven't found anything. I might just have to make something in the closet work since I will be using most waking moments knitting!

Yesterday we were party animals. We went to our cousin's house warming party and two birthday parties. We took D to all of them and he had a blast. At the last party one of my co workers kept giving him cookies! She was his best friend LOL

As Daryl creeps closer to two we are seeing more tantrums. I truly believe he just gets mad that we don't understand what he wants. Either way I took some pictures of one of his fits because even mad he is still a cutie!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dodge City Days

Daryl and I went to Hanston this weekend and took in Dodge City Days. It was fun to see everyone and take in the craft fair and all of the festivites.
Daryl really liked the parade and after he watched all the kids throw candy at him he decided to throw some back at them. :-)
On the way home we stopped at Sherol's ranch. D had so much fun petting the cow and the horses. Although if the cow moved at all D ran away and was yelling bye bye! Too Cute!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Relax, Recharge and Repeat

Finally got that slow week I had been asking for! The kids were up doing their school shopping and Daryl loved having them to play with. The day after they left he woke up and pointed to the living room so I took him out there and he just looked so sad that no one was out there.

While they were here he decided it was a good time to get an ear infection. So he was a little cranky for a day until Dad took him to the doctor and we got him on medicine.

Last night we went to the country and spent some time with our friends Brian and Melissa. They are expecting their first in October. We let them get a little preview of two years into their future!

Going swimming this afternoon and that is the perfect weekend for us!