Monday, May 24, 2010

Fun In The Sun

Kelly was very busy last weekend. He pulled out three bushes from the side of the house and it looks great. He said when he started to cut them out they were mostly dead anyway. I've started to put a few plants back in but I'm not done yet.

Daryl is being as crazy as ever. First he decided to get a better look out the window he would put his stool IN the chair. He thought of this all by himself and one afternoon when I thought he was being too quiet this is what I found.

Then he decided that his new place to hang out is under the microwave. What a goof!!!

We have been passing our days playing outside and reading books at the library. D has also been hanging out with some of his best friends like Marita and Grandma Meerpohl. Kel and I don't leave him a lot but when we have to we are so lucky to have such good sitters!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Weekend Off

I took the day off of work yesterday and Kelly took the night off tonight. It was an awesome weekend where we spent most of the time just hanging out at the house.

I finished some little odds and ends projects and Kelly worked on the yard and the garage. Both look great! We also bought some plants so we can rip out those darn evergreen bushes and finally be done with them.
Ripping them out will have to wait till next weekend because Kel kept breaking his rope trying to pull them out with his truck. He needs to use someones chain.

Finished off the weekend with Ash's graduation! Congrats man, you make us all proud! Especially when you decided to be a Jayhawk!

All in all a great weekend. I can't wait till we are debt free (fingers crossed Oct. '11) and we can both be home every weekend!!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

One Cool Guy

Daryl loves his dad's sunglasses. He always says "eyes" when he sees glasses and now that he can put them on himself he loves to wear them!

For awhile now every time he sees a Jayhawk he says "hawk" well just yesterday Kel got him to say the whole word. Only it comes out "eeehawk"! It is too cute :)

They are always the best when they are SLEEPING!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mothers Day

I think D is about a week old in this pic. Its the first one of us together that I allow to be published! Barely!
I'm having a great mothers day today because everyone is finally home. This time last week D and I went to Hanston to wish Aunt Sofia a happy birthday. We took her to lunch and then we all walked around the Dodge City Zoo. Daryl loved the ducks and the pygmy goats!

Then we barely missed dad as Kel left on Tuesday for Reno for work. He had a good time but a week was too long away from us! On Saturday we picked D up from Holton (he spent a few nights with the g'parents) and I had to rush off to work.

So today we all got to be lazy!! We went to late church then came home had lunch and took a nap! Talk about a great day. Kel will have to go to work soon but he should be well rested :)

He knows me well in Reno he bought me some sock yarn and some sheep buttons. They are both orange!

May has just started and its already been busy. Have birthdays and graduation and anniversaries this month so I hope I can get some posts up in between. We shall see!