Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Keeping Busy

D and I have spent the last two afternoons at the park! It has been great weather and when he gets tired of playing on the slide and swings he digs in the mud. He has been having a great time and he has also been sleeping well at night!

Last week I was conquering the housework but this week it has fought back. Its so hard to do dishes and laundry and dust when the weather is so nice out! We have had a great moth at the manor. I've got to see momma Korf a couple of times this month and that is a record for the last year I think. :-) D and I also spent time at Grandma and Poppa's in Holton while Grandma was on Spring Break. March has been filled with a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to April. Ok I have to get back to tackling this house. It will not defeat me!!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Yesterday D and I had a lot of fun at the Korf Family get together. I can't post pictures because I was using a disposable camera I've had over a year! I still have seven pictures left and I can't wait to see what the first picture I took was. That is the fun of those disposable camera's you don't know what pictures you got until you develop them!!

I saw Momma Korf and my sister Sofia and her crazy kids. Cadence let me cuddle her all day and Canyon and Cedar just wanted to take care of D. They are all great kids and I just wish I got to see them more. Sofia is talking about doing a train trip up here this summer and I really hope she does because that would be fun.

D did really good in the car on the way up and back. He is getting to be such a big boy that he just looks out the window and tells me what he sees. I can't understand half of it but its still fun for both of us!!

Dad couldn't go yesterday because he was working and everyone missed him. I do happen to know that he got to sleep in till noon after D and I left so don't feel too bad for him! :0)

This week I need to finish some projects and clean off the table. I have to do the buttons for D's St. Patricks Day shirt and sew together my slippers I made for myself. Then I need to start a few presents that I will need to give coming up quick.

The projects never end but I like it that way. I still haven't bought any yarn this month so I'm pretty happy about that! I used to think I didn't have any will power but now I've found out I just have to have a good reason to use it!

Have a good week everyone!

Friday, March 12, 2010

DareDevil D

I finally have proof of what a crazy boy D is!!! At first I told D "no" and told him to get down or he would fall. Then he did fall. He fell about three times. Each time he got up and did it again. So I figure he already knows what happens when you fall and he still wants to do it. So now I just clear the toys from around him and stay at arms reach when he is being a daredevil!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What every parent must do

I prolonged it as long as I could. While I often gave my son the bathtub mohawk I never took pictures. Then I realized if I do not document this moment in his life I will be a failed mother. So here it is.....The Bathtub Mohawk! Cliche but Required!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

March On, March On

The Manor had a fun weekend. On Saturday we cleaned the house, may not sound like fun but its sooooo nice to walk into a clean house. Then Sunday we got to see our cousin/nephew Dominic (and his parents :-)!!! It was a short visit but he was a total sweetie and let me cuddle and kiss him. We stood him up and at five months he's only about five inches shorter than Daryl!!

So it would be wise for Daryl to start being nice to him :)

I know some are waiting to hear about the fair isle hat. Well....lets just say I've never been so proud of myself and then struck down in mere moments. It was an emotional roller coaster that I never wish to ride again. And what does all this mean? It looked great on the needles but since cone heads do not actually exist it will fit no one! I knit the second color so tight even Daryl's head can't fit into the top part. Boooo! But I will not rip it out because I believe in keeping my first try on everything. I still have my first quilt I made and it helps me remember how far I've come. I look forward to starting another color work hat this week!

I am posting a picture of the felted bag I made for my swap. The first picture is before I washed it and then the finished version. I didn't snap a pic of the lining Glo helped me put in. Bummer. But it was great and only broke one of her needles!!
I loved the bag so much I want to make a KU version. Red bag with blue fun fur. But I have to wait to buy the wool. I'm back on my yarn diet for this month. Its going to be tough but I'm not buying a yard, no matter how cheap Paton's wool is right now :( I can do it!!!!