Sunday, July 19, 2009

Two weekends ago D went and watched Uncle Asa get married to our new Aunt Diane. It was so fun to see all the Brown kids and other extended family. It was a beautiful wedding and a great party.

There have been some new things going on around the Manor. Kelly and I decided it was time to let go of our big car payment and we sold the Fit. We don't want to have any more car payments!!

D has just been growing so big!! He is jabbering a lot and standing up against everything. His favorite toys are still the remote and the keyboard. I'm having fun starting to plan his TWO birthday parties. He is going to have a local party and then one on the other side of Kansas with his Brown/Korf/Stiles family. :-)

On the Knitting scene I have finished a muffler for a knitting swap I'm doing on Ravelry. I'm working on D's birthday sweater. I have to sew Bec's top and I can mail that off. Lastly but not least I need to felt Kelly's slippers!!

I hope to do that while he is working so hard this week so he can get a little present. Hope the summer is going well for everyone it has been a laid back joy for us!

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