Thursday, July 30, 2009

The past two weeks have been busy, with Kelly being out of town last week to Indianapolis for training, then gone each day to Overland Park this week for more training. So Daryl and I have spent a lot of time together, and probably will for two more weeks, while Kelly finishes up training in Manhattan during that time.

While Kelly was gone, I was able to get his slippers felted and they fit him really well. They are much more cool than his old ones that have holes in them. Kelly also came home with some baby alpaca yarn from Indianapolis and I'll be using it to make myself a hat!

Daryl and I had to make an unexpected trip out west to see grandma so we could attend a funeral. Although it was a sad time, it was still great to see all of the family. We got to ride out with aunt Gloria and uncle Maurice, so that made the trip a lot easier on us. It was great to spend time with them!

Grandma Rosie was able to get finished with Daryl's blanket. It's very cool and she put in soooooo much time to get it finished. As you can see, it definitely describes D well!!!!!

We're getting ready to prepare for Daryl's two (yes two) first birthday parties. One will be in Topeka and the other in Hanston. There wasn't any easy way to get everyone in one place all at one time. So we hope to see everyone in a few weeks, but until then, check back in at the Manor to see what we've been up to.

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