Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Table for Seven

 Fun exciting things are coming for the crew. One being adding some placemats to a bigger table to accommodate all of us in October. Jeff and his three kiddos will be joining the craziness and we are going from a family of three (sometimes four when Grandma was in town) to a family of seven! The technical terms for 5 kids are; gaggle, pack, herd or bunch. Since Jeff and I both have co-parents they are rarely all there at the same time, but when they know it! 

I haven't lived with another adult for seven years, so if you could keep Jeff in your thoughts that would be great. LOL First compromise, he is not using any of my closet, at I think this thing has legs. <3 

Anywho, just in case you were wondering who the new faces were in my posts. Now, please admire the EIGHT placemats I made for our bigger table. 

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