Tuesday, April 30, 2024

New York City!

 Earlier this month I knocked another state off my list in a quest to visit all 50! My friends and I went for a few days to The Big Apple, it was great. We saw the tourist sites, ate food we knew would be awesome and saw two Broadway shows. The first show was Kimberly Akimbo and the second was Merrily We Roll Along with Danielle Radcliffe and Jonathan Groff. NYC was a great time and we agreed the next time we go back we need to schedule three shows! 

So much fun, I'm just going to do a photo dump. 31 states down only 19 to go! 

Brooklyn Bridge! 

We spent so much time at the Statue of Liberty
museum I want to go back to this one to really 
read everything! 

The original Statue of Liberty flame

Bonus, Ferry Ride!

My first Broadway show, Kimberly Akimbo at the Booth Theatre

Eating Ramen in my own little cubby!

The Starry Night at the Museum of Modern Art

My first time having Korean BBQ

And our waitress helped me with my chopsticks!

Sunday, April 28, 2024

TopCity Half Marathon, 5th Edition

 I know I haven't been posting much this month, that's because I've been chasing my tail all month! 

I will go back and do some April recap but I have to post about the TopCity Half Marathon that happened yesterday. It was pretty special for many reasons. First, it was the 5th year for this great race in Topeka. I have been lucky enough to run it every year so I got a special "streaker" quarter zip that I will wear proudly! In this instance, streaker doesn't mean what you think it means. 

Secondly, this was the first year I served on the volunteer board that helps put on the race. This was an eye-opening experience. I don't think I'll ever run another half marathon without appreciating all the work that goes on for MONTHS beforehand. Our board was awesome and while we had our stress, we also knew we were working with people that were as dedicated as we were! I learned a lot this year and I already know ways I can improve my part. 

Next, my time was not great. I ran the race is 2:20:40, a 10:44 pace. But, the last two weeks I wasn't thinking about running, I was thinking about doing my part so EVERYONE could run. So, when I was on the starting line it occurred to me, wow I need to run 13.1 miles now. I still had fun, I only walked a little and it is one of the runs I'm most proud of. I'll also take this time and make it my staring point for 2024. I have another race in two weeks, this is my time to beat. PS-That's lofty, I can barely walk today! 

Lastly, the people that do this race are the best. My cousin once again came from Dodge City to run with me. Thank you Kayleigh, you are not doing the 5K next year! Jeff S., Sterling, Karen, Kate and Kirby, we did another one! My friends who stepped up to volunteer when I was afraid I wouldn't have enough; Danielle, Laura, Sarah and Brenda you all are the true heroes! Brett, I got you into another crazy project, thanks for still talking to me!! And to Jeff, who showed up before 7am to work like heck till 11am, thank you! Once his volunteer job was done, he came home to get all the kids lunch so I could stay and have a celebration brunch with the board. Thank you for your support! 

See you all next year, I'll take training more seriously....I promise! LOL 

Kayleigh and I's before picture!

Our after, we are drenched! 

The ladies who help plan the race, then run it!

This bloody Mary was well earned!

My medal, it's pretty great, huh!