Saturday, September 23, 2023

All is good at The Manor!

 I know I haven't updated in awhile but we have all just been trucking along. So far this month Daryl let Alex and I tag along to a Topeka High football game. It was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed the marching band and dance team at halftime. Unfortunately, the team didn't get the win but it was also fun to peek at Daryl being social at a High School event! Alex liked the popcorn, LOL. 

Daryl was my personal cheering section at a local 5K last weekend at Lake Shawnee. I'm still struggling to get miles but it's not injury anymore. It's motivation! Doing a 5K with friends from the gym was great and it reminded me why I log the hours on my own in the early morning. Because races are the fun part! 

I went to Huff n Puff without the boys this year. The Hot Air balloons were beautiful, hopefully I have them when it happens next year. They were very jealous of my pictures. 

Today, we had a full day of fun! McDonalds for breakfast ✔

Alex helped me mow the yard✔ 

Watched Lego Batman✔

 Watched the KU football win at Buffalo Wild Wings ✔

Played FOUR games of pickleball ✔ That's pretty big for us, someone is usually mad enough after two games and we have to leave. LOL 

I hope everyone else is also having a full and fun September. It's fall y'all, enjoy it! 

Daryl is in this picture....

I'm so thankful I live in a community with so much to do!

Monday, September 4, 2023

Three New States!

 Last week I took a vacation that was very multi purpose. I got to visit family that lives in New Hampshire and establish a bond with these lovely ladies! I got to check 3 states off of my list in an effort to visit all 50. Lastly, I got to visit a new National park, Acadia! 

The most standout part of New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine was the scenery. So many beautiful trees, coasts, lakes and hills. It was breathtaking. Second best thing was the weather, the highs were in the 70s and we even got a few mornings that started in the 50s, it was a welcome respite for our Kansas blazing heat. 

Meeting my NE family was a treat. Their hospitality was top notch as they showed us their part of the country. I only remember meeting my cousin Diana and I know their mom Aunt Mickey from many family gatherings. Meeting my other two cousins Deb and Rindy and their families was a pleasure. I don't know if I'll get them this way before I have to go back to visit again! Thank you all for taking time to show Mom and I around!! Love you all!

In Bar Harbor Maine!

Lobster roll!

Monty is a lake dog!

I found a lighthouse!

Acadia was gorgeous!

My cousins on the lake!