Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Happy 4th of July!

 Playing blog catch up, because we have done things this month, I just have gotten them written down. 😝

4th of July was a little weird because it was a Tuesday but we still made the most of it and had one of our better holidays! We started by watching the Potwin Parade with our friends and then enjoyed our traditional shrimp boil for lunch. The kids got to pop off their fair share of fireworks after lunch! I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing but the boys don't really need any assistance anymore to do their fireworks. I was able to just keep a watchful eye as the big idea this year was to blow up a fresh horse patty leftover from the parade. LOL 

After our Potwin Afternoon we went swimming because we were hot and needed to kill time before our night time fireworks. I should say Daryl and I were hot, Alex didn't want to swim and now we know why he had been cold all summer when the rest of us were sweating! 

What might have made our holiday one of our better ones is we didn't go to the big firework shoot off at Auburndale Park this year. Alex wasn't feeling up to the crowd and I don't like how late we have to stay for the really big stuff to start going off. So we did our own night time firworks right outside of our house! Then a bit of good fortune our Potwin friends went to Auburndale, saw that is was a zoo and came back and shot their fireworks off with us! They had some bigger ones than we did so it was a great addition to our show. :-) Yay Friends! 

The last thing that made 4th of July 2023 awesome was the storm that came in at 11pm and stopped all of the fireworks for the rest of the night. It was the best night of sleep I've ever gotten on 4th of July in Topeka. LOL 

Yes that is Alex wearing a hoodie in July...

The 4th of July Shrimp Boil is always a highlight of the day! 

The providers of the Fresh Horse Patties...

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