Friday, February 11, 2022

Middle School Basketball is a Riot!

 Daryl is a month into middle school basketball but with COVID and snow days he has only had three games. He had two this week and I got to see both, and man it is funny. He plays on the B team and they try really hard. But basketball has a lot of rules!  You can tell most of them play on the playground as many time when one team scores a basket the other team tries to take off really fast without going out of bounds first. The walking and double dribbles are only called about half the time, or we wouldn't get to play a lot. Lastly, that darn half court line vexes all the point guards as they get pushed back to it and then accidently step over. 

They are all learning so much, and I think I've seen two wins and two losses. The score is hard to remember when you are just watching all these kids have fun and play out their NBA dreams. In one game Daryl scored six points and he was on cloud nine! I appreciate so much about Daryl's middle school but one of the things I love the most is how all kids that go out for sports get to play. There is a varsity team and I'm sure their games look a lot different. But I kinda like B team, there are a lot of reasons to giggle. I asked one of the referees on Wednesday how he keeps a straight face. He said it is hard sometimes! 

Go #4!

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