Friday, January 19, 2018

The Daryl Show!

Daryl had a pretty awesome day yesterday. I finally got him to a sewing project meeting, AND his new glasses came in the mail. He was walking on cloud 9!

Last year Daryl discovered he really liked the buymanship project in 4-H. It teaches you how to be a smart shopper, and you get to model your outfits at the fair! He loves to shop, and he loves clothes. It was a total 4-H win.

At the Fashion Show he noticed the youth who were modeling the clothes that they had made. He has always been fascinated with my sewing machine, so he let me know he wanted to do that at next fair. He has been enrolled in sewing all year, but making the meeting has been a challenge.

We finally had a free night when the meeting was happening. He almost started jumping up and down he was so excited! They made a cleaning cloth, and with the help of all the sewing leaders, his first sewing project was a success! He was so happy he told Purl all about sewing when we got home. She happily listened to him talk about sewing for a half hour!

All the leaders complimented him on how well he did for his first time sewing. He let me know in the car his secret.
"I'm probably so good at it because it's construction like dad does, and crafts like you do! That is why I'm built to be a good sewer!"
He was so excited to wear his glasses to school today that he had to put on his nice clothes! 

I kept hearing, "Slow down, slow down, slow down." Not looking forward to teaching him how to drive! 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Mom Fail

In August, when school started Daryl told me he needed glasses. I assured him if he couldn't see, we would have figured that out before third grade. Because, moms are smart and we can tell when our kids can't see!

Then they had vision screening at school. I picked up Daryl from school and he told me proudly, "The lady at school told me I need to see an eye doctor!" I still wasn't buying it. He has had eye appointments before, his last one was probably when he started Kindergarten, and he was always normal.

Well good thing we know an eye doctor, Aunt Nikki! So Kelly took him to his appointment and I get these texts:
Kelly-"It's pretty bad."
Kelly-"He needs glasses."

OMG, my poor baby couldn't see! And he knew he couldn't see, and I didn't believe him! Oops! He is anxiously awaiting his new glasses, and I will post a picture ASAP.

I have to write this next story down, because it just sums up Daryl, and the kid he is right now. You may not get it or smile at it like I did when it happened, but when he is 18, I'll reread this and smile.

I have been bugging Daryl for a couple of weeks about what he was going to sign up for for 4-H club days. In the past he has done project talks, but he doesn't really like doing them. I just want him to continue to practice his public speaking. There is an event called Historical speech, where youth recite a famous speech, and they dress like the person who gave the speech.

Daryl loves presidents, and listens to their speeches all the time. They inspire him and teach him about history, which he loves! He was with Kelly on Tuesday for a snow day. I texted Kelly and asked him if Daryl had decided on a speech yet? I needed to print it off so he could start memorizing it. I was thinking JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you" or, Reagan's "Gorbachev Take down this wall." Both speeches he loves to listen to.

So imagine my surprise when Kelly texted back, "He said Eisenhower's military industrial complex speech."
Me-"What?! I have never even heard of that speech!"
Kel-"Me neither, but he spends hours listening to speeches!"

That's our Daryl. :-)

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Back to Work

Holiday break is over, and the vacation fog is lifting. I am serious about fog, I thought Tuesday was Wednesday, and Daryl was 24 hours early for his Orthodontist appointment. Oops. Made it back today, and both boys went to the dentist. Alex got a great report and Daryl has two cavities. Poor guy. The dentist said he is not doing anything wrong, just has really deep groves in his teeth.

This break has been filled with Nerf gun wars, and catching up on chores around the house. I think they are ready to go back to school tomorrow, and I'm ready to get back to work. I'm tired of being the referee.

With the start of the New Year I'm trying to think about what I want to work on in 2018. I used to think that even number years were good luck, but since the dumpster fire that 2016 was I'm not so sure about that logic anymore! 😂

I really like goals to keep me focused, but I didn't do to good with my goals in 2017. I think I've settled on going back to my 4-Hs. (I'm aware I'm a 4-H nerd!)

Head- Read 10 books
Heart- Four trips to new places
Hands- Knit four projects from stash (Also give away some stash)
Health- Run or Gym 5x a week

Let's see how I do this year!
Purl laughing at my goals, I'll show her! 

I was productive last day of vacation, made a fleece blanket! 

Alex loves the dentist, he is their favorite patient!