Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Birthday To You!!

Lack of things to post about seems to be the trend lately. I would show pictures of snow and stuff but I figure everyone has seen snow soooooo I haven't been doing that!

But today we had a bonafide reason to gather and celebrate! Grandma Hazel Meerpohl had her 90th birthday party today!! It was a great day and Grandma has a lot of family and friends who came to celebrate her great life. Grandma is not a typical 90-year old. people were talking all day about how she does meals on wheels, cans vegetables, drives friends to their doctor appointments, and it wasn't long ago she built a deck! Brian and Kelly surprised Grandma with a couple of songs. They were surprised too because they didn't know they were doing it until about five minutes before! :)

Grandma Hazel is in good health and is a hard working lady!
On the knitting front I've almost finished one of my stripey socks and I want to wear them to San Fransisco at the end of March so they do have a deadline. I finished my surprise knit and its going in the mail on Tuesday because I can't mail anything on Monday! I don't begrudge the post office their day off but I'm still a little annoyed :-)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Grandma Hazel!! Sounds like a great day was had by all. Really nice picture of her with your family.
    Momma Rosie
