Monday, February 28, 2011

Birthday Cake Every Day!!

I don't think so! After two weekends of Birthday parties I believe my son has a problem with birthday cake. He wants it all the time. We might have to look for an 8-step program or something.

Daryl's cousin Rilee turned two last Saturday. It was a good party and Rilee got a great slide that all the kids had a lot of fun on. Our gift to the little KU fan was a KU pillow. Daryl helped make it (I use the word help very loosely) he was pretty proud of his handy work.

I don't think we have any birthday parties this weekend so that is good!

Hey Look! I finished a sock. And I'm actually half way done with the second one too. Its looking good that this will be a pair of socks soon! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Happy Birthday To You!!

Lack of things to post about seems to be the trend lately. I would show pictures of snow and stuff but I figure everyone has seen snow soooooo I haven't been doing that!

But today we had a bonafide reason to gather and celebrate! Grandma Hazel Meerpohl had her 90th birthday party today!! It was a great day and Grandma has a lot of family and friends who came to celebrate her great life. Grandma is not a typical 90-year old. people were talking all day about how she does meals on wheels, cans vegetables, drives friends to their doctor appointments, and it wasn't long ago she built a deck! Brian and Kelly surprised Grandma with a couple of songs. They were surprised too because they didn't know they were doing it until about five minutes before! :)

Grandma Hazel is in good health and is a hard working lady!
On the knitting front I've almost finished one of my stripey socks and I want to wear them to San Fransisco at the end of March so they do have a deadline. I finished my surprise knit and its going in the mail on Tuesday because I can't mail anything on Monday! I don't begrudge the post office their day off but I'm still a little annoyed :-)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A Tent

Daryl got a tent for Christmas from Grandma and Grandpa Meerpohl! He loves to play in his tent and as you can tell he drags ALL of his toys into it!
He even drags mommy and daddy sometimes! :)
Its snowing again, yay snow (sarcasm).
Daryl is talking so much its hard to remember all the cute ways he says things.
For instance Macaroni and Cheese is Macdamonie and Cheese, To infinity and Beyond is To Infininy and Benon!
It may just be something you have to hear in person!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Happy Early Valentines Day

Nothing says I will be with you for the rest of my life like a tattoo, that will be with you for the rest of your life!!