Thursday, January 16, 2025

Snow, Snow and more Snow

 There hasn't been a post this year because for the most part we have been stuck inside! This blog's function is to be a scrapbook for my family so while there wasn't a lot of activity the Blizzard of 2025 is worth posting about. 

On Sunday January 5th Topeka got 14 inches of snow, the 3rd largest snow fall in the city's history! Needless to say that amount of snow was an issue. The kids got not only a day or two snow days, because of another inch of snow on Thursday, they got the entire week off! Since they had been on Christmas break that means our kiddos were out of school for THREE WEEKS! 

They were actually happy to get out and go to school on January 13th. And they were tired after school that day. I got home from work at 5pm and they were all asleep! This has been a long week and we are all looking forward to the weekend. 

Leave it to the guy from Michigan to let the dogs out in his shorts! 
Jeff said this is when cats are better than dogs...whatever!

This is pretty much what we have been doing in 2025. 

Lola doesn't mind....


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

2024 Goals Wrapped!

Happy New Year's Eve. I won't be awake to see the clock strike midnight, but I hope those that are have a grand time! I started today with two last miles for 2024 and then taking care of various errands. Things I have been putting off for weeks or months and were all rather easy. When will I learn? LOL 

Yesterday, Alex had a one year remission scope. He handled it like a champ and all the pictures look good. We will get biopsy results back next week. His doctor was looking for what the inflammation of his Crohns has done to his gut that may be permanent. So far it looks like almost everything is healed. Of all the good things that have happened to me this year having two growing, reasonably happy boys is the best.(they are teenagers...)  Let's keep that going in 2025! 

I don't do resolutions but I do set goals. I am very pleased with how I did in 2024 and I am going to challenge myself a little bit more for 2025. I'm only interested in being better than the person I was the year before.   

Read 18 Books 21/18  DONE! 

In December I read a FANTASTIC book, All the Light We Cannot See. It is a Netflix show now, I haven't seen it and I probably won't but the book was gripping. Not a romance, not a mystery, just a great story set in France during WWII.  I highly recommend this one. 

2025 Goal: Read 24 books 

Run 600 Miles 608/600

I got 30 miles in December. I planned for 40 but once I hit my yearly goal I lost all motivation. So I will just set the yearly goal higher next year! 

2025 Goal Run 650 miles

Monthly Healthy Habit ???  

Rethinking this one for 2025. 

2025 Goal hit my steps and water goal for the day (I'm going to try to get over half the days of the month, every month) 

2024 Money Goals:   

  • Replace Windows Done August 
  • Down payment on New Car (Done July) 
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K (Done November) 
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year Made a Savings deposit in December
  • Replace Garage Door-(Done December) Happy to say my car now lives inside!
2025 Money Goals:
Rebuild my 3-6 month ER Fund I'm 65% of the way there! Not bad after the down payment for my car and the windows. 
Pay off my Car 

The boys spent a little of their Christmas break playing basketball!

Lola hugs!

I forgot to post about Potwin Christmas, it was so great! 
I loved sharing it with Lucas, Anna and Joseph!

Time for a haircut? Not according to Alex!

We love seeing Catrick when we see our Hays family!

My car has a house again! This is what Jeff worked on during Christmas break. LOL 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Happy Bergles Christmas or Stilman....Just Workshopping it

 Our family's first Christmas holiday was a success! The kids were with the other side of their family on Christmas Eve so Jeff and I headed to Kansas City and enjoyed some lights and sushi! It was a nice evening for the two of us to prepare for our holiday plans with five kids. I should be used to typing that by now but it still gets me! LOL 

We opened presents together on the morning of the 26th. Daryl's favorite gifts were some Uggs slippers and his airpods. Alex enjoyed some nice sized Amazon gift cards that are going to help him build his own gaming computer. Lucas and Anna got phones and Joseph got a bunch of Legos! Everyone was happy as we watched our yearly viewing of home alone! Anna and I tried to do a puzzle but we quit when we figured out it was bigger than the coffee table we were building it on. Oh well! 

On Friday, the boys and I headed to Hays for Stiles Christmas and Jeff and his kids went to Wichita for Bergman Christmas. Now we are all back at home just soaking up the mild weather and relaxing. It's been a good holiday! 

2024 Cousins picture!

Wishing you all a good night from Catrick!

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

What a Week!

 And it's only Wednesday! I finally got to see Daryl in action on Saturday as he wrestled in his first varsity meet. He won 1 match and lost 2. His improvement over last year is Amazing! I was proud of him last year for trying something brand new, I'm proud of him this year for continuing to work and do extra things outside of practice to be better. Good job D! 

Last night Alex had his band concert and again, amazed at how good the group he has played with since 5th grade is getting. Alex enjoys band so much and I wish he got to show off more than a couple of times a year. His teachers at Robinson do such a great job with the kids, we all left in a great mood! In attendance for Alex was some extended family and I loved that too. Not all kids get to have grand parents and aunts come to their school stuff and it means a lot to Alex and me! 

On Sunday, we had 4 out of 5 kids (that's pretty good) so we put up the Christmas tree! I tell you what with some good delegation (me) and great workers (the kids) that thing was up in a flash. Also shout out to Jeff who only got to carry boxes up and down from the basement. It's not a fun job but someone has to do it. 

I could actually see him this year! Trumpets are 3rd row so that almost never happens!

Alex like decorating so I waited till he was home. 

Anna did a great job on the mantel and with my 
Grandma's ceramic tree!

Oh gracious....

Way to go Daryl

Go T-High, 113 weight class!

Friday, December 13, 2024

November Goal Update!

 Raise your hand if you don't have your Christmas tree up! (I'm raising my hand.) The goal for this weekend will be to get some decorations up. I love the lights and décor this time of the year, I need to do my part! 

Daryl has started wrestling this season. This is just his second year in the sport and at his first meet this year he won his JV (b) bracket! I don't know if it's really called B but there is two brackets per weight class and he was in the lower level one and won all three of his matches! Last year he only won one match the whole year so this was fun news to hear. Neither Kelly or I were able to go and turns out that's all he needs to do his best! LOL 

Read 18 Books 20/18  DONE! 

Still reading and with no pressure! If I took Netflix off my phone I would read even more, something to consider....

In November I read Michelle Obama's The Light We Carry. She is a woman I look up to and I loved her first book and this one is excellent as well. There is a whole chapter about parenting that I wish I had when my boys were little. I love the glimpses she gives about being the first lady, with her stories about growing up on the Southside of Chicago. I just know we could be best friends! LOL 

Run 600 Miles 578/600

I got 40 miles in November. It puts me in really good reach of my yearly goal. It is getting harder to get to the gym in the morning, because I don't like the cold. But I get up and go because I feel better after. I'm trying to not let the warm bed win!!! 

Monthly Healthy Habit ???  

Rethinking this one for 2025. 

2024 Money Goals:   

  • Replace Windows Done August 
  • Down payment on New Car (Done July) 
  • Pay Mortg. Principle down 4K (Done November) Got that principal payment made and the goal was met. I will probably replace this next year with paying off my car. When this goal was made I didn't have a car payment and frankly, I'm not a fan. Let's get rid of that car payment! 
  • Hit my Savings Goals for the year Made a savings deposit in November!
  • Replace Garage Door- This was on the list, then off when I got the bill for the windows, now it's scheduled and back on the list! 
We may not have a tree up but you better believe we made gingerbread cookies! 

Mittens would just like to sit and judge. That's really all he does. 

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Birthday Week

This week has been a roller coaster for sure. Since last Sunday, I have been reminded over and over again of the quote, "Life is what happens when you're making other plans." 

A week ago, Jeff and I left for his 40th birthday celebration with friends in Kansas City. We had a wonderful night of friends, BBQ and stories that evoked lots of Jeff laughs and smiles. It was what I had planned for him, a time where some of his friends could spoil him a bit. They held up their part of the deal and it was great!

The down part of our roller coaster week happened after his party. It's a story that is not mine to share but I am going to love Jeff and his kiddos through it. Because that's what we do, we show up for each other. Jeff has done it for me a thousand times and I will always do it for him. <3

The upswing of the ride was Thanksgiving.  Jeff the kiddos and I went to Hays for the holiday. My boys were with their dad this year and I look forward to hearing about their holiday tonight. In Hays the cousins all paired off and puzzles, books, video games and card games were exactly what we needed. Thank you to Asa and Diane for hosting us. And the smoked turkey was amazing! 

Yesterday was my birthday. It's fun that Jeff and I's special days are only five days apart. Jeff treated me to the Chef's table at The White Linen. It was amazing, and the fresh snowfall outside made it the most beautiful evening. After our soup but before our steak Jeff gave me my birthday present. 

He asked me if I would be his partner forever with the most beautiful ring to seal the deal. We have both talked about this for our future and I said yes. Neither of us wants to be married. We both have been before and it's not for us. That's not to upset anyone that loves that part of life. Our choice is to be together without getting the government involved. So he gave me the best birthday present I could ask for, and that's the exact future life I want! My friend Danielle texted me first thing yesterday morning wishing me the best year ever. I think she is right! 

The magical group photo you can only get with a Pixel!

Meet mittens, we have a cat now! 

I was so busy loving on my family I only took two photos at Thanksgiving!

One of my turkey and this one of two other turkeys! Charlie and Joseph. 

My forever date and I ready for our fancy dinner

The most amazing birthday present, not the ring, Jeff being with me forever!

Then the best steak I've ever had. Get to White Linen immediately before they aren't serving crab meat covered filet!