Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Mexico Birthday!

 Blogging by phone, please ignore the typos. I talked five other ladies into leaving their families the day after Thanksgiving to spend 5 days in Cancun. We had so much fun soaking in the sun and warmer weather. I heard it was 17° in Topeka today. Getting out of the airport in a few hours will not be fun!

When my sister's boss asked her why she was going to Mexico she said, my baby sister is a little extra on her birthday. You bet I am, and she had a great time too! 

I'll post more later when I'm at my computer. But I knew this would be a two picture post!! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Middle School Soccer!

 Last year Daryl played soccer just to be with his football buddies. At the start of this year he told me he wasn't going to play soccer this year. So imagine my surprise when a day before practice starts he decides he is going to play.

I think he has had four games, because of a class I've been teaching on Wednesdays I have made it to two and we have had a couple of cancellations. I did see a win this Monday! Had to sit in the cold and rain, but they were playing the best I've ever seen them play. That made it worth it. 

I can't wait for Basketball season, it is temperature controlled! PS-It is officially cold here, and I don't like it! 

Soccer in the rain, fun times...

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Fall Chores

 The way this seems to be going, I will be in the market for a gutter guard in 8 years. My current gutter cleaners are very affordable. They just want Freddy's for dinner! Got them back at 4 today, with the time change, I didn't want it to be too dark for our task. All I do is move the ladder. They take care of the rest! 

I stole them away on Saturday night too for 4-H Achievement night. I loved sitting in the crowd and enjoying the program. The fact that Daryl or Alex wanted to talk almost the entire was a little annoying. Some people's kids! 

I hope everyone had a good weekend, now we get to go to work in the dark and come home in the dark, Yay us. (sarcasm) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

October Goal Update

 October was a month of focus for me. I took my daily habits seriously and it felt great to fill in so many blocks. My running mileage is creeping back up and I love the sense of accomplishment I get after a long run. I need to sign up for a race soon to keep my motivation up! 

Last weekend the weather was beautiful so the boys and I hiked Burnet's Mound. We got a little turned around coming back but it was fun!

Going to try and keep my focus this month and be better about having the boys do their reading time too. I've been too lax recently with them. We will get back at it in November!

Read 21 Books: 16/21

This month I read the fiction books It End With Us and Home Before Dark. It Ends With Us has been on the best seller list for awhile and I was finally able to get it from the library. It was really good and a quick read to boot. I think i finished it in a week. 

Home Before Dark was a scary book and i didn't like reading it alone at night! It jumped between two timelines, and when that is done well I love it. Between the two I would probably recommend this one more because of the twists and turns all the way to the last page!

Run 720 Miles: 615/720

My goal this month was 60 miles and I got 71! Those 6-7 mile long runs really make the difference. I'm going to keep slowly increasing while my hip feels good. 

Money Goals: blinds purchased, now im just waiting for help to install them. 

Add 2K to Savings, Done Feb 2022 

Pay Mortg. principle down 5K

New Living Room Furniture (Home), Done Feb 2022

Replace Some Windows (Home) 

Replace Window Blinds (Home) 

Create Backyard Oasis (Home) 

Trips: 2/3

Holding pattern here. 

Days I hit all of my Daily Habits: 20!

I hit all my goals for 20 days! My water goal was what sunk me more than my low sugar goal. Proud of my progress and I'm going to go from 9,000 steps a day to 9,100. Slowly creeping to 10,000.

New Daily Goals: 9,100 steps, 8 cups of water, read 15 minutes, 10 min tidy up and low sugar. 

For Halloween the boys were Naruto and scary clown