Friday, October 15, 2021

Done with Football (for now)

 On Wednesday night Alex and I bundled up to watch Daryl's football team compete in the City League Championship. It was cooler than I expected, so I was thankful we live close enough to the field to do an emergency run for hats, gloves and more blankets! There were three games that night with the championship last, so we didn't start until 8pm. It made for a late school night, but it was worth it! 

The first half was pretty close, but the second half the Ravens pulled away. The final score was 34-6 and with that Daryl's first season of football was complete! Since Daryl was JV all year we didn't even think he would suit up for this game. But the day before he got the good news that he would be in uniform on the sideline. Then in the last minute of the game Daryl got to go in for a couple of plays. 

All the players got medals and the school got to take home the city league trophy for the year. Daryl told one of his coaches he was going to do push ups all year so he could be varsity next year, the coach said if he works hard in the off season, he should make varsity. From one Youth Development Professional to another, Thank You Coach! You let Daryl know that his future is in his own hands. 

I think Basketball is next, let's see how that goes! 

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Run Alex, Run!

 Last Saturday was the annual fun run at Alex's grade school. I was afraid it would get rained out but the weather was actually perfect. 

Last time we did this two years ago it was just a mile, this year the kids could choose to run the lap twice and do two miles. I was so surprised when Alex lined up with the two mile kids! Halfway through he was questioning his decision but he finished strong.

Maybe I will get one runner? Too soon to tell. Bravo to the school, in addition to the run the Topeka High band performed and they had drinks and snacks. Such a fun morning!