Sunday, July 24, 2011


The fair is for the most part in the books! I am now going to post all of the pictures I took at the fair....

that's it! I was so busy I did not take ANY pictures, even when Daryl was there. I am going to mark that as the only fail of the fair. We had a great showing of Topeka Knitters in the open class! :) I didn't get anything ready but once again I will try again next year. I hope to show some knitting progress in the next post on some knitting. For now I am going to bed and hoping that Grandma Rosie gets home safe!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Final Countdown

We are in the final countdown to The Fair! Yikes! This is going to be a fun week and a busy week. The horse show was already yesterday and today. Daryl went to see the horses. He had fun but his tolerance for a hot barn is about an hour. That's good to know for the week coming.
Today we tried to get a good ol summer day in with swimming and pickle eating!
The race has begun to do Daryl's birthday sweater. I now have less than a month...I must get serious about this one!
Daryl LOVES pickles!!

Daryl jumping in the pool to daddy!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Its done and Kelly is Tired

Kelly finished the fence today. The backyard is soooooo different than it was five years ago when we bought the house. Its like we always planned it to be. Glad this project is over. It was a hot one for Kelly.

This last picture is the yard when we had all those straggly pine trees in the back. I think we ended up taking out 12 of these skinny trees and one big tree to make the yard playable.
Kelly took out the metal fence thing that was around the patio. That also opens up the yard a lot. We rehung Daryl's swing from the only tree remaining and he loves it!
Kelly still wants to build a fire pit and then that will be it for the backyard project. We will probably hold off a bit before starting anything else.
If you don't hear from me in a couple of weeks its because its fair time and I will be occupied! :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tada, minus a gate

Well, we're almost totally enclosed in the back yard.  Kelly got the three south gates up earlier this week, now all that is left is the east gate.  Then Daryl and Vinny can have free reign of the back yard.  The metal railing around the patio also came down and the backyard feels much more open.  Maybe by the end of the weekend I'll have some final pictures to post.  Check back in a few to see if we have anything that'll keep little boys and dogs in but critters out!