Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hippos, Cars, and Cake!!

D's first birthday party went off without a hitch. It was a lovely day to be outside and most importantly we had enough food! It was great to see all of our Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, and Grandparents.

The main even at any birthday party is watching the little one have his first cake. D did not disappoint! He smashed that thing and just kept eating and eating. I was afraid he would be sick later but he never was. He must have a sweet tooth like his mom!!

He also got many wonderful presents. Some he is enjoying right now and some we will bring out when he is tired of the ones he is playing with. Most notably he likes to ride around in his new car with his new hippo. It's really cute!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Wow, A Year Already

I can't believe this week Daryl will be turning one. It has been a challenging and rewarding year! It feels like every parent says this but it must be true, I never knew I could love this much. He is the reason for everything that Kelly and I do now.

Another year will come and go all too fast but we will try and keep everyone updated on how we are doing. Thanks for everything everyone has helped us with this year, our friends and our family make our wonderful Manor possible.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Car Wash WOO WOO

Last weekend Kelly gave my new ride a bath! Thanks Honey!! Got a lot of around the house stuff done last weekend but I'm going to have to do LOTS MORE to get ready for D's birthday party. Super excited my little baby is going to be one. It has just gone tooo fast!!

Started my knitting Christmas list. I know it is only august but I'm a slow knitter and I need TIME! :-)

I did finish a hat for me today. It looks like leaves when it is worn and I never thought I could do something this advanced! Next thing you know I'll be whipping out Fair Isle sweaters! Or NOT!

Have a great week everyone. :-)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Busy Busy Week

With Dad gone all week for work the Manor is busy trying to get its to do list done. On the list

Send out the birthday Invitations

Finish D's Sweater

Clean out the Garage

I think that should be enough! Daryl made a snorting pig noise for the first time last night. Now that is his new game. When he is mad now he also scrunches up his face and blows out his nose like a bull getting ready to charge. We are not sure where he got that but Dad and I both agree he looks like his cousin Cedar.

Aunt Carly is also back in town this week. YEAH!! Look forward to visiting with her as much as possible!