Tuesday, June 23, 2009

D's First Swim

Last weekend for Father's day the whole family headed north to celebrate with family. Courtesy of Aunt Nik and Uncle Bri we had a barbecue and watched a lot of the US open. After all it was father's choice on their special day! :-)

Once we had all waited an hour after we ate J/K we hit the pool. It was Daryl's first time in the pool and the water was so nice we did not get much of a reaction out of him. He looked very serious about the whole thing. But I think that he had a lot of fun!

Good times had by all.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


It has been awhile since my last snapshot of the manor. That is really only due to one reason...We haven't been here!!! :-)
I just love how laid back D is in our waterfall picture. He is thinking, "500 ft. waterfall, whatever..." :-)

We spent a lovely vacation in Oregon. It was a great time and we got to see the cutest wedding ever! Daryl also put his little paw in the Ocean for the very first time. But it was just his hand because it was a very chilly ocean! D is pulling himself up to everything and laughing and talking to us. We don't k now what he is saying but he is definitely expressing himself. Loudly!

Kelly and I have been keeping busy ourselves. Kelly is loving his new job and just comes home and can't stop talking about all the new stuff he is learning. He is also golfing almost weekly again and I know that helps him balance his work and family. I as always have knitting to balance me, and I have a lot of things on the needles. I'm really working hard to get Bec's top done and I also need to pound out a sweater for D.

Another thing I keep working on is going thru the house and trying to pare down some of our stuff. We will probably have a yard sale some time this summer. It has been a couple of years since we have had one so it is probably time!

With all of this fun stuff going on I will try and stay on top of my updates!